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Transform Commercial Spaces with Tribal Waters’ Splash Pads

Tribal Waters is your ultimate destination for creating a fantastic and fun-filled water play experience in Phoenix, AZ, and surrounding areas. Our commercial splash pads are designed to transform public spaces like parks, resorts, and community centers into vibrant hubs of entertainment, drawing in crowds and enhancing the overall visitor experience. Whether you’re curious about what a splash pad is, its safety features, customization options, or the installation process, we’ve got you covered with answers to your frequently asked questions.

A splash pad, also known as a splash park, is a recreational area designed for water play. It features various water features, such as fountains, spray jets, and water arches, providing a safe and interactive environment for kids and adults to cool off and have fun.

Commercial splash pads are specifically designed for public spaces like parks, resorts, and community centers. They are built to withstand heavy use and ensure safety, making them a perfect addition to recreational areas.

The commercial splash pad installation involves several steps: site selection, design, plumbing and electrical work, surfacing, and water features. Our team at Tribal Waters will manage the entire process for you.

Adding a splash pad to a park or recreational area can increase foot traffic and enhance the overall visitor experience. It provides a safe and inclusive space for families to enjoy, making your park more attractive to the community.

Yes, commercial splash pads are designed with safety in mind. They have non-slip surfaces, use recirculated water, and often have adjustable water pressure to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for children.

Yes, commercial splash pads should comply with safety standards such as the ASTM International F2475-13 safety standard. The splash pad surface should also be slip-resistant to prevent injuries.

The cost of a commercial splash pad depends on the size and features of the splash pad. At Tribal Water Custom Pools and Spas, we offer competitive pricing for commercial splash pads.

Absolutely! At Tribal Waters, we offer customization options to match your theme or branding. From color schemes to themed elements, we can make your splash pad unique to your business or park.

You can choose from a wide range of water features, such as spray nozzles, water cannons, tipping buckets, and themed elements, to create a unique and engaging splash pad that suits your specific needs.

Yes, commercial splash pads are designed to be environmentally friendly. They use a closed-loop water system, which conserves water by recycling it, making them a sustainable choice.

In Phoenix, AZ’s hot and dry climate, splash pads can be used year-round. The mild winters and abundant sunshine make splash pads popular for cooling off and having fun even during the cooler months. Keep in mind that it’s essential to ensure the equipment and water lines are adequately protected against freezing temperatures during the occasional cold snap. Proper insulation and anti-freezing measures are recommended to maintain year-round functionality.

Commercial splash pads are designed to be relatively low-maintenance. Still, regular upkeep is essential for their longevity and safety. Maintenance tasks include cleaning the splash pad surface, monitoring water quality, checking for wear and tear on equipment, and addressing any issues promptly.

Generally, splash pads do not require lifeguards, as they are not designed for swimming. However, supervision is still recommended, especially for young children, to ensure their safety.

A commercial splash pad’s lifespan depends on the materials’ quality and maintenance. They can last 15 years or more with proper care, providing long-term value for your investment.

Yes, we can assist with the permitting process. We have experience working with local authorities and can help navigate the necessary permits and approvals to ensure a smooth installation.

Bring Your Commercial Splash Pad Vision to Life

Ready to take the plunge and bring a splash pad to your community? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for expert guidance and assistance throughout the installation process. Our dedicated team at Tribal Waters will manage every step, from site selection to design, plumbing, electrical work, and the installation of water features. We also offer competitive pricing and the ability to tailor your splash pad to match your unique theme or branding. Contact us today, and let’s make your splash pad dreams a reality. Your community and visitors will thank you for it!

Crafting Custom Dreams For Over 20+ Years. Call (623) 587-8500 Today.